Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Interview

Well, I had the interview today. On the good side I feel like it went very well. I had strong answers to all of the questions including the written one on diversity. My presentation went well and I have a strong connection with three of the five people on the committee. On the bad side, I saw both the candidate before me and the candidate two people after me. Both are good friends who also work part time at LACC and would be excellent choices. Still, I'm glad there are a lot of internal interviewees. They are all good people and will work hard to improve education at LACC.


Anonymous said...

Often these interviews can only happen if they have a certain number of qualified candidates. If there aren't enough, nobody gets hired, even if the one person they have is highly qualified. So at least one of you should get lucky.

tFool said...

Good point. That is what happened to me at Cerritos. At least this way I know that one of us is likely to get the position.