Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anti-Prop 8 Supporters

Author's Note, I would like to take this post public, but I need to think it through thoroughly first.

Today while taking Sage to a birthday party I came across a group of people holding up large banners urging passers by to vote against proposition 8. I honked my horn in support before realizing that I would have some fast dancing to explain to Sage why I was honking without bringing up the issue further than Staci would approve of. After dropping her off I came around and talked with one of them for just a few minutes.

They were from the local Unitarian Universalist Church (one I have felt drawn to and considered going to during Priesthood and Sunday School time until Staci asked me to help in primary). But really made them stand out those was simply that they were beautiful loving families making what I think is the most powerful statement on the issue that can be made. Namely, "Please don't destroy our marriages." For all the rhetoric about what this may or may not mean, and what it may or may not cause in the future, for the present a vote yes is a vote against their marriage and a vote no is a vote to let them have that marriage. I realize many would argue that isn't the point of the church's stand, but it is what it does.

What I would really like to say to the Bishop and the Stake President is that before they start taking action against me, go down and tell these people to their faces that their marriages aren't as good as yours. Tell them they don't deserve the same title and that giving it to them is a threat to your children. I say that because you aren't asking any real sacrifice of me, but you are asking me to say that to them in a quiet private box where no one can see me. And that's what I won't do. So before you ask me to do it in a sneaky way. Do it yourself, to their face, and let me watch.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To Brother Loveridge from Sister Loveridge

After the Bishop came to take my temple recommend and release me from my calling, I told Staci that I wouldn't be attending sunday school and priesthood until after the election. I also told her that if she wanted me to stay she should get me a job in primary or nursery. (She is after all 1st counselor in primary.) Today I got the following email from her.

Dear Brother Loveridge,

Please help us prepare for our Sacrament meeting program on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of October. During the last 2 blocks of church (10:15 - noon) in the chapel. We especially need help with Sister Miller's class (ages 4-6). One of the weeks Sister Miller will not be there. We especially need help with crowd control and with snack time in the middle of the practice outside on the back lawn area.

Sister Loveridge

I had to laugh at how formal it was, but I also have to admit there are good reasons that I love this woman.